Main #1

About me

Hey, I'm Dominik. Passionate designer and photographer. I specialize in UI/UX design, Web Development, Programming, 2D Character Animation and Photography has become something I truly enjoy.

I love everything concerning technology and also traveling. I particularly enjoy visiting Japan, but other places in Asia like Taiwan, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Chongqing are definitely on my bucket list as well.

Main #2

Not just Photographer

Creating websites is where it all started for me. When I'm not holding a camera, I'm usually working on some tech project: whether it's programming, building websites, or managing my own servers. I like staying busy and figuring things out, no matter the challenge.

About a year ago I got into Linux, and it has opened many doors for me. It has improved my workflow and simplified my life overall. For example, this website is entirely hosted on my own server running Linux.